Contact Elemental Health
Let US Help
Contact Information
- Hours: Mon-Fri 9:00AM - 4:30PM
- Call: (225) 218-6774
- Text: (225) 238-6060
- FAX: (225) 208-8060
- Email:
- 7946 Goodwood Blvd, Baton Rouge, LA 70806
- If you are professional, please refer your patient through email or by fax.
Insurance Contracted
*Single-case agreements with non-contracted insurances, as well as, cash pay options are available
What Our Patients Say ABout US!
Real answers from our patient satisfaction surveys:
“Best experience I’ve had!”
“All of the staff was amazing. I loved every one of them!”
“This program is perfect as it is!”
“Everyone has been so helpful and kind during my time here.”
“Everyone is very helpful, understanding, and overall caring.”